2024 National Tai Chi + Tui Shou (Pushing Hands) Championships Nov 3

Event Date: 03/11/2024

Three  events at one venue:
1. National Taijiquan/Taijijian Xingyiquan  Standardised/Traditional Taolu/Baghua Zhang*
2. Tui Shou (Pushing Hands free Sparring;  Area 2 in afternoon)

3. Shui Jiao  (Chinese Wrestling; Area 2 in the morning)  USE OTHER ONLINE FORM to Enter

Sunday 3rd November 2024

Nuffield Health Fitness Centre; Royal Masonic School (RMS) for Girls, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire,  WD3 4HF (see info pack for details)
REGISTRATION: 09:00-10:00am

Please check this page on the day of the competition before you travel in case of any unforeseen circumstances effecting the competition.

Category Outline*
24 Posture Taijiquan, 32 Posture Taijijian.
(Youth 13-17 years can enter both forms; Junior 8-12 years 24 Posture Taijiquan only )
(Youth Xingyiquan, Open Categories, Optional Categories also available)
Adults  See Application form and Info pack for full list (18-40 years; 41-55; 56+  Categories)
1 to 4 Events: Compulsory/Traditional forms; 2 Hand forms, 1 Short, 1 Long Weapon Form.

*For additional and more detailed information – you must check the info pack)

 Click here for Standardised (Std.) and Traditional (Trad.) Routines online entry
(Your correct weight and height is only relevant for those doing Pushing Hands sparring)
– Tui Shou (Pushing Hands) entry at top of form .

Online registration closes midnight Sun  20th October 2024

Spectator Tickets  (ticket valid to watch all 3 events)
 Click here to buy spectator tickets online

Competition Info Packs:
National Tui Shou (Pushing Hands) 2024

Competition Rules