BCCMA Sports Coach First Aid Training Watford

Date: 15/10/2023 Price: £45.00

Non Member Price: £75

This course is open to BCCMA Coaches and Assistant Coaches only.

The course has been designed by “First Aid Sports Therapy” in consultation with the National Governing Body, to deliver bespoke first aid training to Martial Arts coaches and assistant coaches. The course will cover all aspects of the First Aid requirements needed to enable you to fully meet your Duty of Care obligations as a Sports Coach.The course is limited to a maximum of 12 people early booking is recommended.

The course is open to BCCMA members and non-members alike.

On completion of the course successful candidates will be awarded a certificate. The certificate is valid for 3 years. Please book your place on the BCCMA web  site BCCMA.com

Start 9.30am finish around 4.00pm

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BCCMA Sports Coach First Aid Course

The course has been designed by “First Aid Sports Therapy” in consultation with the National Governing Body, to deliver bespoke first aid training to Martial Arts coaches and assistant coaches. The course will cover all aspects of the First Aid requirements needed to enable you to fully meet your Duty of Care obligations as a Sports Coach.

The course will be professionally delivered by a Trainer and First Responder Emergency Care (FREC4) for a private ambulance service, judo coach and former London Firefighter with ample front line experience.

The course will cover
Content: (General)

The role of the first
Health and safety (first aid) regulations
Managing an emergency
Communication and casualty care
Common health problems.

Sport Specific

Primary Survey
Unresponsive Casualty
CPR (Adult & Child)
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Familiarisation
Choking (Adult & Child)
Recovery Positions
Secondary Survey
Wound Management
Bleeding (minor and severe)
Sprains, Strains and Contusions
Fractures & Dislocations
Auto Adrenaline Injectors (AAI)
Head Injury inc Concussion / Compression
Spinal Injury and Inline Stabilisation
Dan Tien Centre
The Harebreaks
WD24 6NJ