Safeguarding Interactive online webinar for martial arts - service

Safeguarding for Martial Arts Coaches (Online virtual classroom)

Date: 07/05/2022 Price: £22.00

Non Member Price: £40

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This course is open to all martial arts coaches in the UK

Safeguarding children young people and vulnerable adults.

The course is in two parts part1 safeguarding children and part 2 is safeguarding adults. The course is presenter lead and part interactive via syndicate exercises, you will have ample opportunity to ask questions of the presenter who is a full time professional in this field.

Course starts at 13.30 and will finish around 15.30 login details will be emailed 5 days before the scheduled course date.



The course will cover Safeguarding Definitions, Legislation
Safeguarding Children Types of Abuse relevant to martial arts coaching
Regulations (DBS)
Procedures / Designated Person
4 R’s Safeguarding Children
Safeguarding Adults
6 Key Principles of safeguarding Vulnerable adults
Safe Recruitment
Open to Questions, Summary & Evaluation
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